Images of Bambulia Castle

How to get here

Bambulia Google Earth Bambulia Castle is at lat. 25.133245 deg., long. 76.341980 deg. if you want to home in on us from space using a tool like Google Earth.

By Road

Take NH76, which is a dual-carriageway, from Kota going east towards Baran. Bambulia is between Kota and Baran. We are about 54 kms. from Kota, just off the highway, and the drive should take about 40 minutes as the highway is excellent. If you are travelling westward on NH76, then we are about 18 kms., or 15 minutes, from the town of Baran which is also the district headquarters.

Bambulia Fort from NH76

(Bambulia Fort and Castle as seen from NH76)

NH76 is a toll road, so there will be a small fee to pay. Of course if you are travelling on a motorbike, there is no toll to pay!

By Railroad

The nearest train station is Antah (also spelt Anta), which is approximately 7 kilometres away. Antah has trains arriving directly from Jaipur, Kota, Sawai Madhopur, Jodhpur, Gwalior, Sanchi, and Bhopal. The trains arrive either early in the morning or late at night. Public transport may be unreliable, therefore please contact us if you would like to make prior arrangement for a pick-up.